Teaching My Wife’s Brat A Lesson – Ch5 –

“Daddy, are you still mad at me?”

“No baby girl, not anymore, but if you are bad again then you will need to be punished – do you understand?” I said, as I tenderly kissed her on the forehead.

“Yes, Daddy, you know I’m a very bad girl but I will try my best to be a good girl from now on.”

My Tammy was still a brat, even behaving more outrageous then before – but it was all a game now. No longer did my blood boil when she was misbehaving; instead, my cock would swell and I’d simply fuck her hard the next chance I got; reminding her who’s in charge and who will be punished. Even my wife marveled at how well I was handling the stress from Tammy – the stress that before used to drive me crazy, but now is a fantastic source of pleasurable release for me.